GCSE Time!!

Hi peeps, I know I only posted a new blog post yesterday but seeing as it's GCSE results day today; I thought 'hey why not write a little bit about when I got mine?!'. I do hope that everyone who received their results get what they were hoping for? Even if they aren't as good as you hoped, do not worry and life still goes on. 
Sixteen years ago when I went to pick mine up from school; I was so nervous and I didn't have a clue on what to expect. I don't think I saw too many people from in my year getting theirs but I did see a few members of staff. So I open the envelope or whatever it was they were in and I slowly take them out looking at the end of the paper. It took me a few minutes to study the sheets and work out what was what. Then my heart started to sink a little, I was glad that I passed but felt disappointed. I achieved four D's, three E's and one G (which I can pretty say, it didn't surprise me with how the lessons went - it was maths and that's all I say ha ha!). The fact I only had support in Science, CAD, Food Tech, History, Languages (it was split into two; French and Spanish) at least I did okay. I redid my English two years later in Lancaster and with support; I achieved a B grade.
I don't think it helped that I was part time when I first started the school so from the word go, I was a little behind. I didn't feel confident enough in speaking up. When I did speak up, I was told that I was doing well despite me saying that the only reason why I was doing well was because of the support I was getting in the lesson for this particular subject. It was only towards the end of the final year where a teacher did help me by staying behind after school time. 
However I did enjoy school and I loved learning. Even to this day, I still enjoy learning. I will say that I don't think it was particularly any sole person responsible and these struggles that I had, they made me more determined later in life when I was at college. My favourite two subjects were English and History. I enjoyed the languages although I did struggle with hearing spoken language, they did spoken tests and I dreaded these because I have partial hearing so I struggle to hear and pick up certain words, even more so when it was in another language and they spoke so fast. We had a Spanish lady come into the school which was great. I liked a few other subjects too but struggled, apart from CAD; this was just working on the computers.
So, yeah now many years have passed and I feel like when I look back, whatever you get for your GCSE results; it's not the end of the world. If you are determined enough and you know what you want to do in your future, you can always redo them later on. A lot of job places have apprenticeships and training on the job, so this is another avenue you can choose if college etc isn't for you. You have to follow your heart. It also doesn't matter if you haven't decided on what it is you want to do, you are young and there is time to decide later. Everyone is different. 
Most of my peers went to either my local vocational college or the sixth form college to do A-Levels. You all know from a previous blog post that I went to a Scope residential college for three years where I visited a Lancaster college to redo my GCSE English and an open college course in Media Studies. Then after the residential college, I then started doing a few more GCSE's and A-Levels at my local Sixth Form for the next four years. In my last year, I received offers at universities. I'm proud of what I have done since school.
Life pans out differently for everyone and that is completely fine. Enjoy life and not worry about things like GCSE's as it's not the end of the world. Well done for all that you have achieved so far 😊 anyway that is enough from me in this post and I shall see you in my next one. Thank you for taking the time to read what I write. Take care and keep smiling no matter what is thrown at you in life as your smile may brighten up someone's day. 😘❤️xxx


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