Perrie Edwards' Outfit in Touch Video!!

Hi peeps!! 

Yay it's the weekend! I hope you're all okay?! My health has been taking its toll on me a little but read my Facebook page for more info. 
It's now August and the subject of this post was actually publicised back in January. The subject is the thing that Perrie Edwards from Little Mix wore in the Touch music video. Why you ask? 
From the first moment I saw it, it made me feel a little apprehensive. It reminded me of the many years I had to endure wearing a spinal grace (and full length callipers, not forgetting a neck brace when I was really tiny!) and not once did I like wearing it. Wearing it often made me sweaty, hot and sticky. My movements were severely restricted. I couldn't just scratch something if it was itchy as I would have to go and get undressed for it to be removed just so that itch could be attended to. When they did the castings for new ones; it hurt and I'd often have to travel back home on a two and a half hour car journey with it all in my hair which wasn't very pleasant. It hurt when they took it off after using sharp scissors to cut it open. They had to use hot water for it to stick together which wasn't easy to endure. The day that they said I didn't need to wear one or have one casted ever again, will forever be on my mind. I think I was around fourteen or fifteen when they told me this news. They said I wasn't growing anymore and my spine had remained the same; no better, no worse. From birth; I have Kyphoscoliosis. This is a result of having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is a widely musundiagnosed connective tissue disorder which is multi-systemic. 
So as you can imagine my feelings when I saw Perrie wearing that thing, it was an uneasy feeling. I am glad that the braces I wore all those years, did stop my spine from getting worse and strengthen my muscles enough to sit up without support growing up. You see, when I was born; I was super floppy and had no muscle tone. The surgeons wouldn't perform surgery as it was life or death for me. Even now, they wouldn't do it. In one way; maybe it can encourage the young girls of today that it is seen as a fashion accessory (strangely 🤔) wearing spinal braces as all youngsters want to feel like they fit in with their peers, I know I felt like that during my childhood.
I know it was a fashion accessory in the video but I think it was a poor choice. 


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