Friendship Breakups!!

Hi peeps!! 
How are we all doing this week? I hope it's bringing you lots of positivity and strength. I was just browsing through different quotes on Pinterest and found one that somehow stood out to me. 

Over the years, I have had friendships end and tbh, who hasn't had this in their lives. I've had friends whom have treated me in ways where I couldn't imagine treating my worst enemy like so as their friend, it obviously hurt a lot. I did so much for the said person over time and for them to start playing cruel tricks, I knew the best thing I could was to just walk away. Thankfully this person had moved away back to their home town and I no longer have to worry or fret about bumping into them. Even feeling anxious as I had taxi drivers, mutual acquaintances telling me that they had been non stop quizzed about my whereabouts, who I was with and what I had been doing etc by this same person. Then I've had other friendships that have ended over things so trivial when I look back but feel like if they really cared, then perhaps they would have fought for our friendship and I certainly wasn't going to put myself out there when they were so clear in the things they said. Or another occasion where a friend suddenly removed them self from my life and ignoring any contact I tried to make, enquiring about the situation and if they could explain but to no avail. Even to this day, I find myself puzzled as there were no fall out or anything along those lines. At least I can hold my head up high in the fact that I tried to talk and discuss whatever the reason(s) were for their behaviour. I have come to the realisation that maybe they weren't the friend I thought they were. It is sad however, as we got along so well and always had fun conversations together. 
Also in life, friendships can just naturally grow apart; whether it's going to different schools/colleges, moving away or life generally taking you down different paths. In life, they say you have a friend for different things for example, there'll be your work friends, friends that you grew up with and friends who share same interests etc. You might have a friend who is spiritual so you may feel more comfortable in talking deeply with them while you may have a friend who may make you laugh like there's no tomorrow and this is good. 
For me, I have friends from where I grew up, school, colleges, through common social activities and my online friends who can relate to in relation to my health and not being able to go out as much as my peers. I know I have a great group of friends now, although I don't always see them, I know they are there at the end of a message and they're all quite mature in their ways, meaning they understand that friendship is worthy and get my health issues. 
It is hard when you have friendships that end on a bad note but it is okay to feel hurt, upset and angry. Just try not to let it swallow you up as it'll be harder for you to move on. I can honestly say now when I look back that  there were good times that were had but they just weren't meant to be in my life forever. I focus my energy on those who have stayed by my side and whom are positive in striving for their dreams and goals. They are there whenever I need them and I'm thankful for them. They have proved that there doesn't need to be any drama or negativity within friendships but honesty and kindness is what matters. 


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