My picture!

Hello everybody! 

How are we today? Did you all have a good weekend? I know I did! On the Saturday I bought another new dress and had a nice afternoon in town. Then on the Sunday, I went to join in the celebrations for my cousin Sean's 50th. Had some dinner there and had a great time! 
Skipping past the last few days and onto last night. I had made a birthday card picture for a member of the Backstreet Boys' AJ McLean's birthday. The picture that I drew was a part of my craft project and I decided seeing as I know he likes skulls, I'd use this picture for his card. So late last night, I discovered that the BSB included it in their card from the fans so I know for sure that he would see it :D they ran this little idea on all their media platforms and I wanted to join in having a bit of fun. I never for one moment thought they would like it and use it, I'm rather happy! It's one of the things I like about BSB, they're very interactive with their fans. For the past few years, they've done a BSB cruise because it's their way of showing their appreciation to the fans by spending a whole few days with them. 
Music is one of the things I love in life and I invest a lot of my time on my favourite artists. It may sound sad but it makes me feel happy and a part of this big wide world. But anyway, it's the simplest of things that make me happy and enjoy life that little bit more. It's also a form of escapism when you're sat watching a concert or listening to your favourite album. 
Today I've stayed in my pjs and have been watching the telly which will continue until later tonight when I'll listen to some music. 
See ya all soon xxx


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