Ten Random Facts About Me

Hey everyone!!

I wanted to do something a little different and perhaps a bit more fun for you to read than my usual posts. I’m going to write down a list of ten facts that not many would know about me. 

1. I have social anxiety and this means I get really awkward in groups of people. Even with certain people I know, I struggle so it’s not easy. 

2. I once got in trouble for bursting out laughing when the tutor was talking to the class at college. The member of staff who was helping me had dozed off and suddenly snorted which made me jump hence why I burst out laughing. I felt so embarrassed as everyone turned to look at me. What made it worse, she did it again so I struggled to stop laughing. 

3. I had driving lessons when I was 17/18. The car had mobility adaptions.

4. My favourite childhood book series is the Malory Towers by Enid Blyton. 

5. Once after I had a Hydrotherapy session at the hospital, I was getting into my wheelchair and my elbow had dislocated. I ended up going to surgery and staying in hospital overnight. 

6. Another time at a hospital, I was looking at a leaflet stand and the automatic door knocked me flying. I had to travel back to my home town and go straight to my local hospital to end up wearing double slings! 

7. On one side of my family, I’m the second to youngest cousin out of 22. 

8. Growing up, I always dreamed of having my own little studio at home. Where I could do writing and art work. 

9. As I have gotten older, I still would like to have a little studio but one that is multiuse where I have a creative desk and beauty/walk in closet area.

10. I’m actually quite musical. I used to love playing my keyboard that I had growing up and have had guitar lessons. I always dreamed of having singing lessons but I once tried a singing harmony club but didn’t like it, would have rather had proper lessons.

Well that is my list of ten facts about me. I don’t know what you will think of them or of me but they’re true facts. Would you like me to do another list of ten in another post, then let me know?! It’s never that easy to think of facts but it is interesting when you think about things. 
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you next time, take care. Bye for now šŸ˜Š❤️xxx


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