Happy 2nd Birthday To My Niece

Hi everyone!!

So today it’s my niece, Ciara’s second birthday and I’m just so excited for her! I can’t believe that she has been in my life for two years and I’m wondering where the time is going?! 
It doesn’t feel like two minutes since I received a phone call off my mum telling me that my sister had gone into labour, now as much as I was excited I did feel a little anxious. This was a life changing experience, not just for my sister and my brother-in-law but also to both families. We already knew what gender the baby was going to be but I couldn’t wait to find out what the name was going to be. Now the name; there were a few little teething problems with pronouncing ‘Ciara’ as it’s the Irish spelling of Keira like Keira Knightley. 

Ciara, my little love, you are the sunshine in all our lives. That’s your doting loving parents, your auntie, both sets of Grandparents, Great Grandparents and everyone else who holds you dear to their hearts. I love your personality as you bring me love, kindness, humour and lots of fun. For me, I know that I cannot do certain things that other aunties will be able to do but you have my heart and we always enjoy our little ventures even if sometimes we do sit in my bed, while you put stickers all over me. Yes, even in my hair! 

So as it is your 2nd birthday today, I do hope that you have a wonderful day as I’m sure you will do and I also know that you will be spoilt with lots of fun toys and love. Enjoy every moment. You will also have the best time at your Frozen themed party with all of your lovely little friends! I look forward to seeing you, our little treasure on your special day. 

Lots of love, from your Auntie Katie ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— xxx 

I hope everyone that has took the time to read this blog post has enjoyed reading this as it has been a joy to write. Thank you and I shall see you all next time xxx


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