What I’ve Been Watching On TV

Hi everyone!

How are you all? I hope your week has been kind to you. My week has been okay, still coughing and feeling tired but I’m much better than I was last week. 
As I’ve been laid in bed, it’s given me a chance to watch the things I enjoy on the television. Normally I just watch whatever my mum chooses as I’ll just happily go and watch YouTube videos, if she puts something I’m not keen on. 
I’m going to list what I have been watching and they do vary in what they are. I haven’t listed them in chronical order as I couldn’t choose which were my favourites. 

1. Coronation Street
2. America’s Next Top Model
3. Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals
4. Emmerdale
5. The Menendez Murders
6. Stacey Dooley Investigates
7. Jamie’s and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast
8. Cruising With Jane McDonald
9. Brunel: The Man Who Built Britain 
10. 30 Inches Tall and Turning 18

Now I know some of the programmes may not interest most people my age but I’m a bit of an oldie at heart. I have grown up watching Corrie and Emmerdale, but have always loved seeing what’s going on on those cobbles.. it has humour, drama and well, I’m a northern girl. Emmerdale, I like because it’s based around farms and the village life. There’s quite a few little villages near me and my late grandparents had a farm up in Broughton, so it reminds me a bit of them. It too has drama and humour. Not very good reasons but they’re my reasoning. 
I watched last series of ANTM and I loved it. I was so glad that India won it as she was positive, worked hard and never got into any conflict with any of the other contestants. This series has only had two episodes so I’m still learning who is who. No one has really stood out to me yet, has anyone stood out to you yet? I also miss having Rita Ora on it as I’m a fan of hers and she brought something fresh and cool to the show, whereas I haven’t really seen much of Tyra’s work although she’s the creator of the show. I know she’s really successful in her own right. 
I’m a fan of watching Jamie Oliver’s shows. I like his recipes as he tends to make them easy to follow without going all fancy. I find it great that he can make a main, sides, starters or desserts and drinks in half an hour. They’re all so simple but look delicious. His and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feasts always brings something new and different. They have a different celebrity on each show and you get to see them cook too. Both Jamie and Jimmy go on a nationwide fight for many local food which is interesting to find out in more detail. Jimmy always builds something like an Home stone oven, food dehydrater etc. My favourite celebs to go on it so far have been Kate Hudson, her mum; Goldie Hawn and Lindsay Lohan. 
Stacey Dooley goes all over the world to meet different people from all walks of life such as prostitution in Brazil, Russia and Turkey. She went to a US Anti-Abortion Camp in one episode. If you are into watching documentaries about many issues, I would recommend you watch Stacey’s programmes. 
 Now I’m probably aging myself by talking about Cruising With Jane McDonald but I’ve found her shows to have humour and interesting. She goes on all different types of cruising and certainly does things she would never expect to do. It can be a little cringe at times but it’s all light hearted and easy to watch. One thing you will enjoy seeing is the sight seeing trips she goes on for example, Jane goes to visit and pays her respects to those lives lost at the Shoes On The Danube Bank, Budapest in Hungary. Quite sad but thought provoking. I see there’s a new series starting in February. 
Brunel; The Man Who Built Britain is just a two part series exploring the work of Isambard Brunel and his personality. The presenter; Rob Bell goes into detail about Brunel’s work on The Thames Tunnel which was his first major project. He discusses about Brunel securing his new job as an official engineer to the Great Western Railway. Then the programme delves into his two masterpieces of ship design; the SS Great Britain and the SS Great Eastern. This ship dominated his final years, causing much controversy and being the biggest vessel of its time. I’m not greatly into vessels and such but I’m from a town that builds ships and subs so it caught my eye to watch this. 
The young lady; Georgia in 30 Inches Tall and Turning 18 was a lovely documentary following the journey of her looking for answers about her health. I said this on my twitter that she reminded me of me at that age. Even now although I’m older than her, we both love makeup, spending time with our loved ones, we both endure daily pain and that we are both small. I’m only 4ft 1 and a half inches tall so I can relate to her when it comes to shopping for clothes. You can follow her on twitter under the username @MakeupJunkieG and she too has a YouTube channel like me. Like me, she tries to have a positive outlook on her life and I admire her. It would be lovely to interact with her one day soon. I think anyone would be charmed and enjoy watching Georgia. 
I think I’ve discussed about all of the listed programmes here, if I have missed anything out then please let me know. As you can see, my tastes vary and tend to watch what interests me not what is trending where the majority of the nation are obsessed with. If you have seen any of what I’ve mentioned, I’d love to hear your thoughts and have you seen something that you think I might like then I would really love to hear from you. 
Thank you for reading this post and I hope to see you in my next one, I shall see you all soon. Take care and keep smiling, no matter what is thrown at you in life 😊❤️xxx


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