My Time Off Social Media

Hi everyone!!

You may have wondered where I have been and why I’ve not written a new blog post since 2nd January so here I am to try and explain to you. 
On the eve of NYE, I started having a dry throat so I tried to drink as much as I can to help ease it but never thought too much of it. I thought it might be because I’ve spent some time in and out of hot dry buildings and the outside. 
Anyway on NYE, I started to feel a little worse for wear when me and my parents went to Asda (my local supermarket). Whilst there, I took some pain relief and as soon as I got home; had a lie down on my bed for about three quarters of an hour. I felt a bit more with it afterwards and managed to get ready for going out to celebrate the NYE with my family. By the end of the night, my symptoms started again and I was ready to go home. I felt proud of myself for staying out and making the most of the rare night out. As per usual we walked our way back home (well I was pushed in my chair) as it’s too difficult to get my chair into a taxi. There are no wheelchair taxis where I live.
I spent some of the New Year’s Day in bed and then laid on the sofa during the remainder of the day. I was the same on the day after. 
Over the next week I was much much worse. Every five minutes or less even, I’d be changing position to cough. I couldn’t even get comfortable or relax. My breathing became harder for me and I’d hurt in my neck, tummy, chest and my back. It was the coughing that was hurting me. My sleep was non-existent. The only time I managed to get out of bed was to go to the bathroom and bring up lots of gunk. Using my phone, eating and socialising on social media were the last thing on my mind, I didn’t have the energy or the focus to do these things. 
Now I’m still resting in bed and it’s the next to last weekend of January. My cough is still lingering, it’s gotten worse over the last day or two but I think it’s the antibiotics working it’s magic. I’m feeling worn out but thinking its to do with the coughing that’s wearing me down. I do feel like I’m on the right path to getting better but it’s taking longer due to my health issues. 
Since having the time away from social media, it’s been a nice break. A break that I didn’t think I needed or wanted bearing in mind. I’m thankful for it. It’s given me the chance to refresh my batteries for starting anew on my blog, Facebook page, instagram and on my YouTube channel. I have only just started thinking about ideas for these sites and the content that I want to create. It would be brilliant if you could help share some ideas of what you would like to see me write about or create on any of my social media’s sites. Whether it’s beauty, fashion, lifestyle or disability related; I’d love to know what you’d like to see! It’ll be a few weeks until I film a new video while I’m still recovering but your ideas are welcome in the meantime. It’ll help me do some planning for the channel. 
I definitely recommend everyone to have a break from social media even if it’s just a few weeks or days as it does recharge you and gives you time to focus on other things in your life. It’ll make you enjoy using whatever platform you use again as it can become repetitive. 
Anyway that’s enough from me in this post and thank you for reading. Take care and I’ll see you all soon 😘❤️xxx 


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