Chatting About My Current Life

Hi guys!

I think this post might be a little bit of a ramble which I hope you don't mind but I was just thinking about my life and what things I have to look forward to. This year has gone rather fast, I cannot believe it's the 20th of November already!! The last few months have been a little quiet for me but it isn't all bad. My pain levels have increased and I feel like my health issues have deteriorated, and this has made some impact on my social life. I'm the kind of person who likes to keep going despite how I'm feeling but lately; it has been more difficult. Sometimes it has gotten me down and I felt like I was missing out but when it's been possible, I just try to focus on my blog and my YouTube channel. Even then it can be a challenge finding inspiration and motivation, then this makes me feel like I'm a rubbish blogger. Currently I have been struggling with the top of my back; right across from one shoulder blade to another. I have kyphoscoliosis as well as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome amongst Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. With having the kyphoscoliosis, it means that my organs are all a little compressed. This has caused me to have the odd bit of pain my right arm as well as my back and my other troublesome areas. 
However on a more positive note... I have things coming up that are exciting. Firstly; my sister is taking me to Manchester for a girly day trip of shopping. It's been over two years since we last went to Manchester together and although both my mental and physical wellbeing have deteriorated, I'm really looking forward to spending the day together. 
Then two days later, I have my friend's kiddies' christening. Both her little boy and baby girl are being christened so it'll be a lovely day. It will be nice to see my friend as well. I might even find a nice new outfit in Manchester for it. 
One day we will be taking my niece to see Santa and I cant wait to see her experience this. My only wish is that we were taking her to see him at a local home and garden centre located in the lakes as it is all beautifully decorated. They really go to town on the themed holiday seasons. My friend took me around two years ago and I loved it. I even vlogged it on camera which is up on my YouTube channel so go and check it out. I think you will enjoy it very much! This year my niece will be about 22 months old so she will understand and appreciate Christmas that much more so this is rather exciting for all of us. When we take her see Santa locally, I will try to vlog although as my channel is public I don't like filming her face front so you will see her from the back and side. 
Ciara is my biggest inspiration and motivator in life. I adore her. She reminds you of what is important in life and for me; its my family, having fun and just being able to love unconditionally. For a child her age; she is bright by being able to count, recognise animals and being so loving towards others, even her baby doll. 
I'm hoping to see more of my friends over the festive season as I have not seen any of them since the summer and I am in the process of trying to organise a little get together over a meal. I love my friends. They are all so different but they are all very lovely. I couldn't ask for a better close knit of friends. They check in with me from time to time which helps me keeping going and motivated to be the good friend they all deserve. Thank you ladies, you know who you are. 
Obviously due to my health issues, I do have to pace myself and not overdo it. It's important that I try to keep my pain levels as low as possible and keep my energy levels as high as I can. Now is the time to enjoy warm soups and hot chocolates, not forgetting for it being the perfect excuse to cosy up on the sofa with your faux fur blanket. ☺️ I’m determined to enjoy and make the most of the next month, so onwards and upwards from today. 
I shall see you all in my next blog post 😘❤️xxx


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