Blogosphere Publication

Hi guys!!

So... it’s Tuesday and I know I normally like to upload a new blog post on a Monday but tiredness had kicked in after I had my appointment yesterday. It was only an eye check up but those who know me, know that I have sleep issues so getting up early and going out; tired me out, a lot. I struggle to focus and have a clear head to write something that needs to make sense. This, my lovely people; is not what you the reader would like to read. 
Anyway... onto this post’s topic; which is about the Blogosphere Magazine.  This magazine is for Bloggers by Bloggers. I wish I had seen it before now as I think I would have been buying it since it began, whenever that was. It’s published four times a year. It’s been something I’ve yearned for since I first started blogging and being a YouTuber so you can imagine how happy I am to discover this magazine.
I started blogging before I created my YouTube channel and back then, it was all very new. There wasn't as many creators out there and possibly much easier for people to see your work. Although with this magazine and social media, you can connect with fellow creators. Anyhow back to the main topic, it's too easy to divert from one subject to another when they coincide and I need to do this less.

The front cover is beautiful. How stunning does Louise look?!! The cover itself is simple, not brash and has a clean look to it. I feel it gives the Blogging industry a more professional impression which is what it should be, as many Bloggers do this as their main job. There are still many people out there who don't take Blogging or YouTubing seriously and see it as a 'hobby'. For some, it is a hobby and it was for me at the beginning. Now after many years, it is something I take very seriously and work very hard at it. It isn't always easy and there are times where I have to take a break but that is part of the parcel with having a chronic disability (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and many associated conditions). 

This is the contents page and as you can see, the layout is simple and clear to follow. I love how it has photos and symbols which make it more accessible and perhaps more fun to look at. Many of the pages are easy to read and have really nice layouts. There are different things for you to read such as features, cover interviews, book clubs, YouTube features and so on. For me that stood out more was the disability pieces as I feel disabled bloggers/YouTube creators can often be dismissed to the side, not necessarily intended but accidently forgotten about or not have their personality seen before their disability. 

In the photo is the piece about 'The importance of disabled bloggers'. I love how positive this is. It has included different bloggers/creators with disabilities whom many I have already been following. As a disabled creator myself, I feel I can give my own perspective on things such as accessible beauty products, fashion and lifestyle. Well you can see what I write about and create on all of my social media. It's important that we get to be on the same platform as everyone else as we can create such pieces that are just as good as the next person.

On this final photo, you can see Jordan Bone. She is a YouTuber who has become very successful due to her honesty, positivity and skilled makeup tutorials. She is an inspiration to many. 
I know I have mostly focused on the disability pieces but there are so many other features that are really good in this magazine. I'm always keen to improve my work and this magazine will really help me along with its advice and interviews from fellow bloggers who have already been where I've been. So I would definitely recommend fellow Bloggers/creators to purchase Blogosphere and I will be sure to buy the next issue, and the so on in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope to see you back on my next one soon. Take care. ❤️ xxx

Ps. If you have any advice or know any bloggers/creators that you think I will love their content then please feel free to share their links. xx


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