What Do You See?

Hi peeps!!

Just wanted to share a random post with you all. I hope you don't mind but it popped into my head and I thought 'ooh I like that idea'. 
I have Kyphoscolisis, Perniosis, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, slight hearing loss, anxiety, panic disorder. Asthma, arthralgia. Plus other oddly things. This is all because of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It takes over a lot of my life whether it's physically or mentally. 
However; it's a part of who I am but it is not the whole of me. I'm also a blogger, I create videos on my YouTube channel, I run my EDS Awarenesa Campaign through my Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/DinkyktsEDSDiaries) I upload onto my Instagram accounts; my personal account and my beauty/fashion account where I show off my various looks despite struggling with pain, fatigue and physical difficulties and encouraging body positivity. 
I'm a daughter, sister, auntie, niece, cousin and a friend to many who I'm blessed to have in my life. I'm very blessed and privileged to have my family around me. 
I'm one of those people who you will see smiling in the street or even at the dentist when I'm numb from anaesthetic; but this is me. I try to be positive despite whatever is thrown at me; no matter how challenging or painful it may be. Don't get me wrong; I'm not perfect and I'm not always socially comfortable but I do my best. 

 I'm on the path to making my dreams and goals come true; I may not go as fast as everyone else in this crazy hasty life but that doesn't matter when I'm toobusy savouring each moment (maybe not so much when I'm lying in pain or feeling like a zombie for the day). I never try to be someone or something I'm not; my energy levels are sacred to me! As hard as it is to compare yourself to others; and I've done this a many times, remember that you are you and there is no one else like you in this world. You are here for a reason whatever that reason is. We all lose things we love; whether that's a person, relationship, pet, home, or even a hobby but the important thing is to keep searching for new things. When we learn to accept things that we can't change, and start to embrace them in our own strange ways. Cry and then find inspiration to search for the next thing. Obviously every thing is different and it's much much harder when it's a person but try to remember that that person would feel so much happier knowing you can find happiness again in time and treasure the memories in your heart. 
Okay... I'll get back to what I was saying. I am all the things I said above and much much more. Always have love and acceptance in your heart. Never judge someone by what you see or by their disability. You are you and I am me. That northern little lass, with the long dark hair, hazel eyes and the everlasting smile. 

Thank you for reading this random post and I hope to see you next time. Keep smiling no matter what is thrown at you in life as your smile may brighten up someone's day. 😘❤️xxx


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