Coming to a Realisation

Hi peeps!!

So since my last post, I have been to Amsterdam and back! I've spent last Tuesday, Thursday and Friday recovering; in fact I still am. Check out my YouTube channel to see my vlogs from the trip (and don't forget to subscribe!!) 
I'm going to be talking about something that I've been thinking about but not really said anything out to anyone. It's actually been a difficult subject for me to be honest with you. Well it might not be a big issue for you or anyone else but it is for me. I have always been a creative person no matter what field I may be creating in and about six or more years ago, I started getting back into crafting. Then ever since I've built up a fabulous collection of materials such as paper crafts, embroidery etc and I can honestly say that with all the stuff I have is enough to open a market stall with. Not only have I bought the materials myself but also been given stuff as gifts and good gesture. 
Now the focus of this blog post is that I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it. I love crafting and it makes me happy when I get to the completed stage. The love of crafting actually led me to go to a local craft group for a time and I successfully held my own craft stalls three times which meant I also raised money for the Ehlers-Danlos Support UK charity. However; my health is not like it was even just a few years ago. I struggle with more pain and fatigue, and I find it hard to do certain things more than I used to. 
What saddens me is that the realisation of seeing my health deteriorate right in front of my very own eyes and not being able to do something I enjoy as much as I once did. I try to remain positive and not think too much about what I can't do; instead on focusing on what I can still do but it does affect you when it's something that is a hobby/a way of helping other people. 
The reason why I have been thinking about this is because my room is going through the process of decluttering and reorganising. So as I've slowly started focusing on things that I can still do such as creating videos for my YouTube channel, blogging, my social media and raising awareness throughout all of the above means that my craft stuff has become the thing that takes up a lot of much needed space in my bedroom. There are a few things I can still do in crafting like card making and such; I definitely don't want to get rid of all of my crafting materials but not sure what though. I have a cupboard in my room and one or two boxes full of craft gear so I do think I have far more than I need for what I'm able to do now. Truthfully; I don't really want to get rid of any of it but why keep it all and have it sitting there taking up space when it won't get used?!? 
One day soon it will slowly start disappearing to good homes but in the meantime I will try and come to terms with the realisation of things. Thank you for taking the time to read me sharing my thoughts and honesty with yo. I hope to see you in my next post. Keep smiling no matter what is thrown at you in life as your smile may brighten up someone's day 😘❤️xxx


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