Embracing Doubt and Being Tested

Hey peeps!!

How are you all this week? I'm doing alright ☺ seeing as I missed a week or two not so long back, I think it's only fair that I do two posts this week so this will be my first one. I hope that is okay with you lot? As much as I love to write, especially about topics that I feel most inspired by and feel strongly about, it's you that keeps me writing. 

This post is a motivational just like in my previous one which I hope you liked btw. 

While I may not be able to go to work like most other people my age because of various health issues making me 'successful', I feel like I am a success in my own way. Why do I think this you may ask? Every day I continue to strive forward with my goals. Okay, not every day or even every week that I can write a new blog post, or film a new video but in between, I work on new ideas and preparations for when I can post. Most days I will upload a post on my Facebook page talking about the EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). The success is when I have uploaded a new post, when I receive feedback that someone has enjoyed what I've shared with them, whether it's on here or on my YouTube channel. 

For me it's the self doubt and feeling tested by my own criticism is where I get most doubt and tested. They say we are our own worst enemies and I think this is so true. I see other bloggers/youtubers' work, they always look amazing and this knocks my confidence/self believe but I remind myself that is what I love to do. I enjoy it too. Everybody's work is different and is great in their own, unique way. 😊 however, it is good to have some critism (constructive) as it helps you to keep focused and aim for bettering what you do. We all strive to better ourselves in some way or other. So if someone says or does something in relation to whatever it is that you, then try to not take it personally. Take their critism in a positive manner and use it to your advantage. Keep doing what you're doing. Enjoy your success! 
I call my blog/YouTube channel/my Facebook EDS awareness page 'my work' because I spend so much of my time just thinking, planning, creating and publishing what I do. It does take it out of me but I enjoy it and work on it all on my 'good' days. It gives me focus and a purpose. In this big, crazy world; it is also my place where I have a voice and I hope that I can be a voice for you lot too. 
Anyway, that's enough from me for today and I shall see you all next time. Keep being you and smile no matter what is thrown at you in life!! With love ❤ xxx


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