Welcome Lyric Deanna McLean!!

Hey peeps!! 

This is just a quick post to say how happy and excited I am for my favourite Backstreet Boys' member; AJ McLean and his beautiful wife; Rochelle. She gave birth to their second daughter yesterday (Sunday 19th March 2017). So I'd like to welcome baby Lyric Deanna McLean to this crazy, exciting and big world. 
I will admit I was a bit shocked at the name 'Lyric' because it's not really a proper name but I like it and I think she will suit being called 'Lyric'. I can't wait to see a picture of her and some pics of her with mammy, daddy and big sister Ava 😀 
I can't imagine how excited Ava Jaymes must be but I'm sure she will be a wonderful big sister to Lyric. Here's a photo of Ava with her mammy and daddy...
All the best to the lovely McLean family and enjoy being a family of four, lots of love. 
Anyway enough from me for now and I shall see you all in my next post ❤xxx


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