My Favourite Autumn/Winter Outfit

Hey peeps!!

So as a new thing which I'm hoping to continue to write about on this blog is about my style and what my go to looks are. I hope you enjoy and like what my style is, if not; then not to worry. I'm sure there'll be a style you do like. πŸ˜‰
As we all know we are heading towards winter now that Autumn has arrived. For me, that means lots of cosy jumpers/cardigans and jeggings or wooly leggings with hats and faux fur collared coats. Now colour wise; it's all about burnt orange, burgundy, dark green and brown. However if you're like me; I adore burgundy and black in both clothes and makeup.
Many of you will know by now that I'm a wheelchair user and that means for me that comfort and practicality is high up on my list. For example; wearing jeans and heavy clothing is not really the best of ideas as they take longer to dry... can you imagine how it feels to be sitting in wet clothes as they are harder to dry off? In some instances though, I have been known to have my legs inside of a black bin bag to help keep the rain out and wear granny plastic hair rain hoods πŸ˜‚ (Hey don't knock them, they're rather glam!) ha ha!!
Below are items that I've been loving wearing lately... all from New Look. ⬇️ 
I must say that these are from the 915 teen section as those are the sizes that fit me but you can get them in the women's sizes too. If you don't want to wear the choker and you'd rather be warmer then feel free to add a scarf instead. I teamed up this outfit with my trusted good ol' black boots so I can wear my fluffy socks on inside 😜The top can be bought in black as well as burgundy which I also wear a lot!
If you are short of time for whatever reason then you can dress this outfit up by swapping the jeggings/jeans to a dark skirt (could be pleated, leatherette etc) or wet looks leggings with a pair of fancy heels!
Whenever I go clothes shopping, I tend to buy from New Look, River Island, H&M and Primark as they sell teen sizes. One of the good things about getting the sizes I get is that they are lower in prices. Do you know anywhere else that do teen sizes (smaller than ladies size 2) then be sure to comment below ⬇️. 
Thank you for reading this and I hope to see you back soon xxx


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