A Productive Evening

Hey peeps! 

So it's Tuesday (although technically it's now Wednesday) here in the UK) and I cannot believe its midweek already!! I wasn't actually intending on blogging tonight but I felt inspired, so why not?! Tonight it's been a busy one for me; very productive for me 😀

I did some filming (an EE makeup how to video) for my YouTube channel. I sorted out my mum's customers Avon orders online and submitted them for her. I ate my tea whilst I watched Blue Bloods which is on every night here in the UK. What's Blue Bloods you ask? It's a family police drama starring Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlburg. 
Then I edited the video and now I'm waiting for it to upload and finish the editing before I publish it. If you get to see it, I hope you enjoy watching it. Right now, I'm just relaxing until I sort that out.  
I hope your day has been a positive one and I shall see you again soon xxx


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