Posting posting What I Want To Post!!

Hey peeps!! 

I came across this on Pinterest and it's got me thinking.  

I also like to post what I want because it helps to distract me from whatever pain or however tired I feel, in my mind I'd rather post something positive for eg, things I'm into whether it being music, my cat or whatever else than just sitting here thinking not great. If someone doesn't like a post then simply scroll past, easy. Let's be happy, encouraging and positive! Plus I'm not able to get out socialising as much as other people my age are and I'm sure people wouldn't want to see my face all time, ha ha!! As a people pleaser and someone with self-esteem, it can be hard to not take it to heart but I am learning to do what is right for me and that I enjoy. I know in my heart that I am never offensive, negative (I call it being honest about myself) and would never go out to upset someone. I like to be supportive, encouraging and happy especially towards other people and whatever they post. 
Anyway, that's enough from me 😊 Bye bye xx❤️xx


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