All About Me

Hey peeps,

As I have just been browsing briefly through all of my posts on this blog and I cannot believe that I've not even properly introduced myself to you my readers/subscribers. Now I think it's time to do just that, don't you agree?

Let's start with the basics shall we 😀

I'm Katie and I'll be thirty-one in a few months time. I live in a small town, not too far from the Lakes District (Windemere, Coniston and so on...). I love it around here, I feel proud to say that I'm from here and it has pretty much what all the big cities have (just in small amounts). I only have one sister, Claire who's married to Leigh and has recently given birth to my niece, Ciara. She'll be one month old on the fifteenth!! I live with my parents, Sue and Ray. We're pretty much an average family but my family really are wonderful. They're always there when I need them. Also I our family, we have Pixie. She's our feisty, nervous and funny fur baby who is our six and a half year old cat.

I live with an incurable disease called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Living with E.D.S means I have my good and bad days but I do my best to keep as positive as I can be. Check out to follow my daily life living with this rare connective tissue disorder.

I'm creative; whether it be crafts such as knitting, drawing, sewing, card making so on... I like creative writing, creating vlogs for my YouTube channel, playing with makeup. I did have some lessons on playing the guitar and I was able to play basic keyboard when I was younger. I've used my own drawings as designs of my t-shirts to raise for my ongoing charity fund. Back at college, I did attempt Salsa classes but soon had to quit due to health reasons. The thing is that I did try. ☺️

A past time of mine is listening to music and going to shows, and concerts. I'm very fortunate and lucky that I have been able to meet some of my favourite bands such as the Backstreet Boys and Blue. While I thoroughly enjoyed and loved meeting Blue, meeting BSB will be truly treasured in my heart. So you can call me a fan girl and I will hold my head high; feeling proud. 😀👍🏼 Look at my previous posts about BSB and other bands.

Out of my nineteen years of education; I spent fifteen of those in mainstream. No matter how many challenges and hurdles were thrown in my way, I received two awards! Okay, I'm sorry if I'm sounding big headed, I don't mean to but it's made me appreciate the struggles more and believe in my own academic goals.

The things that I like doing apart from shows, concerts are going for meals out (or a takeaway at home is good), retail therapy, sightseeing, reading, cooking when I have help at hand, learning new things, crafting, catching up on sleep, watching documentaries and going on walks. Playing on the Sims is fun too. Lastly and most importantly is to raise awareness about E.D.S on social media. The rest of the time is going to medical appointments which is pretty much the norm for me. 
I believe that we can all have our own little fairy tales but with modern lifestyles, fairy tales are very different to what they used to be. We all deserve to be happy and loved but we must show love. This is what I tell myself and try to encourage others to love those around them. This makes me realise that I am a girly girl who dreams of meeting her prince one day. I'm a realist though but a hopeful one at that.

I dream of going to London and one day, I will be there. There's so much to see and do! Surely, it's a must that seeing as it is the capital city of my country then that should be a must?! Going to both the old and Wembley stadiums don't really count as going to London. I want to see the royal palaces, Downing Street, H of Parliament especially. Can't forget about a west end show and wheeling it down Oxford Street, with shopping bags taking over my wheelchair (don't tell the guys at wheelchair clinic! Ha!)

I'd love to be able to do a short makeup course as I love playing with it and want to learn more about it. Plus people do say really lovely comments about my own makeup 😊 If the opportunity ever came up to do a project on specially designed clothes for people who have to particular sizes or styles (something I could wear myself) and that are affordable. I love fashion but I don't particularly follow it as half of it wouldn't fit me anyway! It'd be a fantastic chance to do a project like what I've just wrote about.

I'm not someone who seeks the latest fashion trend, watches the coolest tv show or even listen to the radio (well the most popular station). I don't even drink or smoke. I just do what makes me happy and follow my own path. A lot of my life is spent at home with the family with the occasional outing with friends. My own struggles definitely make me appreciate the littlest of things more and find things that I enjoy. You can say I'm one of a kind and I would have to agree. I embrace who I am and yes some days, I get annoyed at myself; I often put myself down but I am who I am.
Well anyway, I don't think I can think of anything else to say about me that you don't know now so thank you for taking the time to read this. Love and smiles,

Katie aka Dinky xx


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