Please Support Me On My Journey

Hi everyone!!

I’m Katie and I’m an avid user of social media. Whilst I enjoy using social media for personal use and keeping in contact with my loved ones, there is a message throughout that is important to me. 

I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It is rarely known amongst medical professionals. Its sufferers are often not believed, and many spend years and years of misdiagnosis. Every day I live with chronic pain, discomfort and fatigue. I have various associated conditions because of EDS. EDS is a multi-systemic disorder that affects every part of the human body and its symptoms may vary from mild to life-threatening. There is no cure and it is progressive. 

There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t talk about EDS; whether it’s how I’m feeling, my symptoms or sharing information about it. I do this by writing about it on my Facebook page, my blog and on my Twitter. I talk about it on my YouTube channel and mention it occasionally on my Instagram posts. I don’t want anyone to feel isolated, lonely and have no hope from having EDS. By voicing about EDS, more and more people will learn to understand and judge less. 

All I ask is that you can follow all of my social media so that together, we can raise awareness and support those who need it. 

Facebook page for EDS;

Facebook page for my Instagram and blog;

YouTube channel;




Please keep on sharing this post. 

Thank you all so much. ❤️❤️


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