Jamie Oliver’s Quick Homemade Ice Cream

Hi everyone!

I feel like I’m repeating myself when I say I can’t believe it’s the weekend already so I’m not!! In this post I want to show you something that I’ve made earlier this evening. 
I’m thankful that my dad offered to help me when I said I wanted to make some homemade ice cream and we brought the ingredients last weekend ready. 
These are the ingredients I bought;

Photography curtesy of Asda. 

For all the ingredients it cost me £4.55. They were easy to find in store. I chose to get smaller amounts as I didn’t want to make a huge batch to end up not liking it. 

We used two thirds of the cherries, all of the yoghurt and a spoonful of honey. All we did was blitz the cherries and yoghurt in the blender, then add the honey. You may add more of the honey if it’s to your desired flavouring, honey is used to sweeten it. 
Then poured the mixture into a Tupperware type of box and laid flat in the freezer for around two hours for it to harden up. 

We have these cute little ice cream dishes in the cupboard, isn’t it lovely? The texture is a bit like a sorbet when scooping out of the box. 

The taste is quite tarty and you can get a hint of the yoghurt in the flavouring, but I think this is because we didn’t add two ingredients. In the original recipe from Jamie Oliver, he has mint and Pimms. I half forgot and half reluctant to buy mint as I didn’t want to waste the rest of what wasn’t used. I didn’t get Pimms as I don’t drink alcohol. I’m looking for suggestions that would combine with the cherries and perhaps add a more sweeter flavour to it without adding sugar. This was our first time in trying anything like this and it was fun to do something with my dad. 

Do you like to cook? If so, what are your favourite recipes and are they created by a famous chef? I look forward to trying more of Jamie’s recipes as he tends to cook the kind of things I like. 

Thank you for reading this post and I hope to see you in my next one soon. Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend 😘❤️ xxx


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