Looking For Blog Guidance

Hi peeps!! 

Hope you’re all keeping well my lovely peeps. I know my posting is a little irregular at the moment, I am trying to get into a routine where I post on certain days etc. 
At the moment; I keep trying to focus on posting a YouTube video on a Wednesday evening and maybe a Saturday on the odd occasion, then my blog preferably on a Monday and possibly a Friday. I don’t like to make excuses but I do the best I can when it’s physically possible for me. Blogging is easier in some ways as I can just sit and write away on my blogging app no matter where I am (as long as I have WiFi!). It’s not always easy to find inspiration and you can read more on this in my ‘The Penny Has Dropped’ post. 
I’m not one for sticking to just one thing and like to do many things, as it can get a little repetitive for me. I’m still learning about many things so I’m no expert in things such as makeup, fashion etc and I don’t want to put myself as a consistent ‘beauty blogger’ for that reason I just said. I am a beauty blogger but just not a full time one as such, if you get my drift. 
How do you feel about my blog? Is it too varied in what the posts are about or do you like the variety? Let me know your thoughts, and the same about my YouTube channel too. 
As I’m a part of the spoonie community; I do like to talk about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and disability awareness but again, not all the time. It consumes enough of my daily life and I try my hardest to stay as upbeat and positive as I can be. I don’t want to dwell too much but do like to bring it into conversation from time to time on here, if you get my drift. 
I want this to be the best blog that I can do so this is why I’m asking for your feedback. Is there something you like, love or not so keen on? Don’t forget to be constructive though. Your advice, suggestions and ideas would be amazing in helping me to create the best blog that I can, not just for me but also for you guys who are reading it. I want to be a place of support, encouragement, positive, honest and fun. There will be times where I need to post a less positive post but that’s life, life isn’t always rosy and we all need a place to vent every now and then. 
In the meantime; while I wait for your feedback, I will research other blogs and guidance posts on Pinterest to see if they can help me too. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I do hope to see you in my next post. Keep smiling no matter what is thrown at you in life as your smile may brighten up someone’s day. 😘❤️xxx


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