Story of My Transition to Beaumont College

Hi peeps! 

So it's been nearly a week since I wrote about disability and dating in my last post, and I felt like I received such lovely comments in relation to it so thank you to those who did comment to me. It's been fifteen years since I left school and I was thinking back to when I was planning my next step after school. 
You will all know that I went to a residential college in Lancaster for three years followed by four years at my local sixth form college. I've never really chatted about my journey with planning my next step after school in greater detail so I thought; why not tell you. 😊
At the school I went to, it had a special needs department (I think they call it a different name now) and in there was where I was given a book. This book had all the different residential colleges from all over the uk. It had colleges like Beaumont College (where I went) The National Star College, Hereward College and other colleges alike. I was about fifteen and it was the time where upcoming school leavers were making their decisions of the next step. I remember seeing about Beaumont and it's location; Lancaster. Lancaster is only an hour drive away from where I live so this college stood out to me. All the others were further away; like Coventry and Cheltenham etc, which wasn't something that I wanted. I didn't want to be so far away from my home, my family and my friends. I have a massive family (in one side; I'm the second to youngest in the grandchildren out of twenty-two) and I didn't want to be too far that I couldn't go to any events etc. 
From the first visit I made to Beaumont; I just knew that I could somehow fit in. It isn't a big college and everyone seemed friendly. Over the next so many months; I visited six times because I wanted to make sure. I even asked if there was any chance of staying over to really get a feel but they didn't offer this (and much to my annoyance; they started having prospective students staying over after my first year 😏). On one visit; I met someone called Emily who they were thinking of putting as my key worker but then it changed at my last visit as I think she left on maternity. They gave me this big booklet of all these courses that they offered at Beaumont with courses such as GNVQs, City & Guilds etc which I was excited about (strangely! Only I later discovered on my leavers presentation day that I never got any of these and was presented with an in college certificate which didn't mean anything to the outside world... I felt sad and let down but grateful for my time/experiences that I had there). 
At school I was listed as SEN STATEMENT (which basically is for youngsters who had special needs in education and on it had what I needed help with etc) so this meant that every academic year, I had a review with staff, parents, OT's etc and myself. During my last one there, I remember one particular member of staff at school was trying to get me to look at other colleges as well as Beaumont but I knew what I wanted and what felt right in my heart. I stood up to her explaining myself and had my parents support, even my assistant (she does have a specific title but can't remember how to spell it correctly) was supportive. She was always so supportive to me and my family. I thought to myself at the time that I felt I was too young to be travelling all the way to these colleges and I just didn't want to be that far away. Growing up, I've spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals; especially with dislocations and numerous injuries so if anything had happened and I was took into hospital seriously ill, I didn't want that burden on my family having to travel so far. My family have always been by my side during my hospitals and I sure weren't going to change this. Lancaster felt like home with it only being an hour away and both the hospitals at home and in Lancaster, are at the same trust so it's easier to pass medical notes on etc if you get my drift. You can tell I thought deeply about things even when I was young. 
During this process; I was very excited and it wasn't until it got closer to starting the college that it hit me with being away from home. I was looking forward to meeting new people. Over the summer, I'd been packing and buying my things ready for my first term. I think the staff may have been shocked at how much I had brought with me (ha ha)! 
So many years later; I'm here and I'm reflecting back. Do I regret not going to visit other colleges and just going to Beaumont College? No way! I'm glad I stuck to my gut instinct, I learned a lot about myself and about other people. I was able to just 'nip home' whenever I wanted (mostly when I knew I needed sleep, ha ha!) and see my family. My sister was able to visit me too which might have been less frequent if I chose to go to a college further away. I met a lot of people (mostly staff and a few friends, particularly Lisa who I can keep in contact with on Facebook) who were lovely and who I'm happy to call my friends even after all this time. I definitely feel that I am a lot more confident than I was all those years ago which is down to Beaumont (and B6FC) and growing up into the woman that I am today. 
Anyway, this is enough from me in this post and I hope you have enjoyed reading my story from leaving School to Beaumont College. Always follow your heart and your gut instinct, it is your life and happiness that is important! See you next time, keep smiling no matter what is thrown at you in life as it may brighten up someone's day ❤️xxx


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