What's Going On In My Life Lately?!?

Hey peeps!! 

Firstly; let me ask how you lovely lot are? I hope 2017 is being kind to you so far?!? 
This past month or so has been pretty hectic for me and if truth be known, I'm struggling a little bit physically. I started with my new support worker and already, I'm enjoying having her. I'm still getting to know her and vice versa, but we seem to be getting on really well. Together, we have started making enquiries about things that I would like to; for example, horse riding. 
At the beginning of this month, we celebrated my mum's big birthday and we had fun. My mum really enjoyed her few days of celebrating (and so she should, she deserves to be spoilt). We; me, my dad, my sister and my little niece took her to Oscars. As always, it was lovely. Then my dad took her shopping while I went with my support worker and then on the Saturday night; again she was surprised to see we had organised a little get together with close family. It was a good night by all! 
Today (Wednesday) it was my niece's first birthday and we went to see her so we could give her our presents. On the Saturday just gone, my sister had a little tea party for her. It was lovely. Ciara looked adorable in her little custom made fairy style dress and floral headband on. I'm so proud of how beautiful, kind, loving, funny and clever she is, even if she is just one year old! 
My uncle went into hospital today ready to have his heart bypass tomorrow; the closer it gets the more worrying I get. I know he is in the right place and it's a specialist heart centre. Hopefully he'll be just fine and he'll make a speedy but safe recovery. 
I've got a busy few days ahead of me so I'm looking forward to having a relaxing day in at home tomorrow. This brings me back to the point of me struggling; I'm still trying to adapt to being out of the house at least four days a week which is pretty hard when you suffer with chronic pain and fatigue. I have been getting a bit like I can't keep going but somehow I find the strength to keep on and moving forward. It does make me feel like I'm not a great friend when I don't feel up to going out to seeing them. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting up, getting ready, going out and then the days I'm not going anywhere; I'm like a zombie. This does affect my mental health so I try to look after myself in between; making sure I rest as much as I can when I can. 
I will fill you in on how my uncle is, what I get up to over the weekend and my upcoming meet up with a friend who I knew from Beaumont College on Monday. I'm also hoping my bestie has her baby over the weekend too as she's already overdue 😊 There's so much been going on, still going on and for me to hopefully look forward to. Anyway, that's enough from me for today and I shall see you all soon. Love ya!! 😘 Keep smiling no matter what is thrown at you in life xxx


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