Dinky's Rambles!!

Hey peeps! 

So, I thought I'd give you a little update on what's happening in my life lately as I sit here watching 21 Jump Street. Yes the movie with Channing Tatum in it! I remember when I went to see this at the cinema with a friend, and she was laughing so much at it. It does have its funny moments. 
How have you been then peeps? I've been okay, trying to stay positive which hasn't been so easy if I'm honest. The osteoarthritis in my shoulder has been giving me grief with pains all over it even in my arm. One day when I got up out of bed, I couldn't move my arm at all and had to make do with just moving the lower part from below the elbow. Although thumbs up for managing to do my makeup even if it was just the basics. 👍🏻
Starting a month ago when my cousin took me to see Adam Lambert in Manchester and I was very lucky that I got to meet him which was amazing!! He looked so handsome and he was sweet. He loved my tshirt. We were told to handover any gifts but no one took mine off me which I was glad about. That was one of my wishes come true! Another wish was that he knelt down to the same eye level and my third wish: he smiled his beautiful smile at me. 😍 The show was incredible from the bits that I saw and could hear. The venue is awful for disabled people! Very disappointing to be honest. If you follow me on my social media then you will have seen the photos from my view. Not one person was happy on the disabled balcony which is a shame. As I had VIP which gave me priority seating on the front row (was even given a a number wrist band for it so talk about having the excitement taken away!)  I definitely didn't get my full VIP PACKAGE! Anyway, my VIP photo is awesome, I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH ❤️
I've been seeing my niece every now and then. Cannot believe she is almost 13 weeks old ALREADY?! She's started to smile and laugh at me which is just adorable. Family means the world to me. 
My Facebook DinkyktsEDSDiaries page is doing really well at the moment which makes me feel proud. Particularly as its EDS AWARENESS MONTH. 
I've been worrying quite a bit lately as I had to claim for the new PIP (replacing DLA) and had to have an assessment, thankfully the assessor came to my house. Luckily he was nice and understanding. I could tell that he felt bad that I had to have an assessment with all of my health issues. Anyway he gave me the highest points and I received my letter back from them saying I will be receiving the highest in both components. So relieved! When you are given a benefit that is indefinite then they should just waiver you over to the new replacement as I was given it for a pretty good reason. It's like all the specialists doctors, medic professionals have no power as they have their own people who aren't all medically trained. It's so wrong and so stressful. People with disabilities have it hard enough without the government making it even harder! Now I've had to do another claim which is for something I already receive so I'm just waiting to hear back off them. 
This month I'm trying hard to upload my videos for my YouTube channel, it's not been easy with my shoulder but I WILL get them done. ☺️ Hopefully I will have some fun things for you to look forward to 🙏🏻  
Please keep sharing my Feb page with your loved ones to help raise awareness 👍🏻😘 I shall talk to you soon xxx


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