My thoughts and My Life Presently

Hey peeps,

Yesterday I tweeted about how I felt 😕 When just ten minutes earlier, I was happy and contented even more as I had been watching BSB the movie. If you're an avid music fan or just like watching documentaries, then I'd highly recommend you to watch Show Em What You're Made Of. It has emotion, humour and an honest insight into how it really is being in the worlds biggest boyband. 
The reason I felt 😕, because I kept seeing different fans not very happy about Nick Carter's setlist of the upcoming solo tour. Now we all know that his management have pretty much the final say in everything he does; both personally and professionally. We all also know about how much he cares about the fans and I'm sure he's doing the best he can. Then there's been the two cancellations of his show due to him having to attend the comic con, promoting his film which is something he has always aspired to do. I know my friend Kimberly has already said her thoughts and has been able to provide more of what was said in his periscope he did last night which I unfortunately missed.. I completely agree with what Kim has said. If I was to attend one of his shows (which he's not touring here in the UK which I'm gutted about) I personally wouldn't buy plane tickets until just a few weeks before and possibly see if I can get ones that you can use between certain dates (I'm sure you can do this, can you?) I know that shows do unfortunately get cancelled as I have had this done to me, it was Pop Across The Mersey which had BSB, Blue and McBusted etc, for this show I would have had to travel some hours with a carer but thankfully I hadn't booked hotel at the point and I always try to book it where you can get a refund. My sister has always drummed it into me that a show could get cancelled so don't get too excited unless you know for sure it is happening and I'm glad she did. 
As a fan who is not in the same country as his tour, I would be happy with whatever setlist he has and as long as I enjoyed his show and getting to do VIP then I'm grateful. This goes for any of the BSB solo tours. I'm also hoping that AJ may get to do a solo tour here one day as I hope for Nick. The final bit I want to say about this; I'm sure Nick's show will be brilliant whatever the setlist is and if you have to wait until the rescheduled dates will be worth it. He is doing his best and like many of us, he's got a lot going on in his life especially with the upcoming arrival of his son. Maybe things could have been handled differently but no one is perfect. Every fan is different and will react differently so there is no right or wrong way to react and I know that I understand how it feels to have a show cancelled. 
Other news in my life; my niece is now 10 days old and I adore her with all of my heart. She's called Ciara Stephanie. She weighed 6lb 11oz and is doing great. I'm so proud of my sister and bro in law as they too are doing well. My film screening went well, there was only one hiccup due to the signal in the technology and I managed to overcome my anxieties. For an afternoon showing; there was quite a few there and I'm so happy that some of my family could attend. I appreciate my lovely friend; Emma for her help with making the short film. I am going to try and get it onto a DVD to make into a little package for people to buy with some of the costs going to my ongoing charity fund. 😊
I think this is pretty much all I've got to say in this post so I shall see you in my next post. Bye bye for now xxx


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