girls! Girls! Girls! Ha and food!

Good evening peeps,

How has your day been so far (for those in a different time zone to me)? Mine has been lovely, me and Emma went to meet our friend, Jess. Jess's baby girl, Niamh joined in too. I said on my pic that I posted of the three of how she is a little bundle of cuteness and she really is. She's a very contented baby and brightens up the room when she smiles! I can't believe she's already about 12 weeks old, time is flying by! It was lovely to see both Emma and Jess. I love our girly time together! It was unfortunate that my other best friend, Jenna, couldn't join us but hopefully, she can the next time. Love you girls!! πŸ’—

Tonight I made some creamy vegetable soup. All the veg had already been chopped up for me so I all I needed to do was add the herbs and seasoning. First, I fried a little bit of fresh garlic and onion to get that yummy garlicky flavour in the pan. I slowly but surely boiled the veg etc in the pan. Soon added the vegetable stock cube to boiling water to the pan. Let it bubble then simmer before leaving it to cool.

The ingredients I used: 
Chilli powder 
Paprika powder 
Ginger powder 
Salt n pepper. 
Double cream

This was just what I needed after eating quite a bit of junk, like cheese burgers, doner  kebab and a few cakes. I always believe in a balanced diet as you're getting a little bit of everything and you are also not missing out on anything. Plus a little bit of what you fancy, doesn't do too much harm; it's all about moderation! πŸ˜‹
Now my throat is feeling a little dry and tired as again last night, I struggled to get to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow, I'll get lots of rest and sleep. 
If there's anything you would like to see me write about on here then please let me know, much love and smokes from me to you 😘 xxx


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