Festivities of 2015 ⛄️πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„

Hey peeps!!

So, here's my usual start of the year post and for once I'm not quite sure what is going to be written here... Hopefully, it won't be too much of a ramble for you! 
As the celebrations for Christmas and the New Year come to an end, I might just give you a little insight into how my festivities went. 
For me, it felt like it was bag of mixed sweets. I'll start with the negative for you... I received a phone call from the hospital informing me that I am to have an MRI scan. As soon as I had ended the call, I quickly started panicking and knew it was best to speak with the secretary of the consultant so I can eliminate any panic and worry. Anyway, I found out of this special nurse that everything was okay, there was no sign of cancer or malignancy in the ovarian cyst but it looks like it is inflamed. She was unhappy at how 'on the ball' the X-ray department were being, causing me and another patient to panic. Once I got the appointment letter, I made up my mind to try and not let the upcoming scan fester on my mind, spoiling the festive season.
I thought Christmas had gone so fast and over the week, I had my friend's get together at her house; not getting home until gone 3 am!! Dirty stop out! Ha ha my partying days are behind me now so as you can imagine, it took it out of me but it felt so good to have a giggle with two of my best friends and chatting about stuff. 
The next day, me and my dad walked (well I obviously got pushed there ha!) whilst my mum got a taxi to town. We went to The Duke and ordered their delicious homemade pizzas. It's all wheelchair friendly too, you just have to go to the door nearest to the hotel entrance. It's a bit tricky trying to push the chair and hold two doors as even I'm not skinny enough to fit through just one all the while on a little slope. I think any wheelchair users/pushers will be masters of technique when it comes to things like this. πŸ˜œπŸ•πŸ΄♿️ My mum later met us there while I enjoyed their Alabama Chocolate Fudge cake and yes, I left some! We didn't get home until about tea time so it was a great afternoon held by all three of us. 
Later that night, I tried to be helpful by helping my mum with some of her Christmas presents that needed wrapping. I like to think I'm a little more organised than she is, well all of mine was already done πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜œ
On Christmas morning, me and my parents each unwrapped our presents before getting ready to go to my sister's. As per usual, we were almost late. Weren't me ha! My sister had beautifully decorated the table and we soon sat down to have our Christmas dinner which was lovely! We had both chicken and beef with vegetables, it was better because we could help ourselves to what we wanted. Then after a little breather, we all opened more presents. I love seeing the faces of the present receiver especially if they get excited! I too was excited and was very happy with what I had been given off everybody. πŸ˜€ Two of my favourite presents were the Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lippy, they were a blue shade and a green shade! Gorgeous colours tbh 😍 We had some visitors, my brother in law's nanna and uncle. They stayed for one drink then they left. We played some games, one in particular is the penguin race which I sadly lost! It was out of the box of crackers. It was fun! 🐧 Not long after, we all left. I chilled out for the rest of the night in my pjs. 
Boxing Day wasn't really anything exciting and I was glad as it meant I could sleep. I needed to rest! Then a few nights later, it was our family Christmas party. A tradition that my late Nanna started as there was too many of us grandchildren. My dad is the youngest of nine. All the kids love it and there's games for them to play. We have a Santa Clause and we have food, pie n' peas. We always sing 'Silent Night' as my Nanna loved it. It's a shame that we have some family that live away and it would make it even more lovely if they could make it too as their kids are missing out, big time! 
Waking up the next day; exhausted, the last thing I really didn't want to do was to go for the MRI! I felt so anxious and wasn't sure whether I could go through with it but I went. My dad took me for support. I agreed to let them try me on the bench thingy. It was rock hard! They wanted me in a position that I just couldn't manage and I was scared that I was going to roll over. If this were to happen, I would have fallen straight into the side of the scanner. I couldn't cope with being in it and I wasn't even in it fully! It was truly horrific! My dad had to get them to get me out of it as I was in too much of a state. They kept saying 'you're not even fully in it, don't move' which really didn't help. I thought it's alright them saying this, they're not the ones that's lying here! I felt awful but at least I tried. For the rest of the day, I felt a bit shaken up. I also felt sore for quite a few days afterwards from the hard bed and being in the uncomfortable position they were wanting me in. 
I spoke to the gynae nurse and she completely understood. She also said that there is nothing to worry about and I just need to have a blood test with an ultrasound to check it. 
I enjoyed the celebration of the NYE. I spent it with so of the family and we went to a local cricket clubhouse to watch a local band called The Chevrons. They were good, sang songs from all decades. My highlight was the Dominoes pizza!! πŸ˜‹πŸ•there might not be much on me but I love food, especially pizza!! 
I've been resting ever since!! Christmas, the NYE and the MRI scan has definitely took it out of me and I have done a lot of sleeping. I've been more sore than usual but still, besides it all... I AM STILL SMILING!! I'm looking forward to 2016 and can't wait to see what is in store for me. Keep smiling 😊😘xxx


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