Why I've been absent...

Hey peeps!!

So, it's been a while but I'm pretty sure you're used to waiting for my blogging posts by now?! What I had in mind to write to you here is slightly different to what I've actually decided to write although I'll keep certain parts as brief as I can so I'm able to focus back on the chosen subject. 

At the end of July, I received some very sad news. My lovely support worker, A, had passed away. This really shook me up and for quite awhile, I felt lost. It really saddened me and I miss her. Her daughter had given her a beautiful send off which is what A truly deserved,  and I think A will be very proud of her daughter. A is one of a kind and I will never find anyone like her again. She will be forever in all of our hearts (as she touched a lot of people's hearts with her kindness, generosity, warm heartedness and caring nature) so rest in peace A xxx

Over the past couple of weeks, I have found myself crafting again. I have so far made a sock monkey (which is inspired by A), a fabric wall storage hanger and a mini cushion. If you would like me to write a separate post about how I made my craft projects then please let me know. I have already had people enquiring about ordering a sock monkey and the mini cushion. :) yay! 

This time last Saturday, I met up with my fellow school friends for our school year reunion which was fantastic! It was so much fun I'm so glad that it wasn't just me that felt nervous beforehand. There was a nice, thoughtful touch made by B as she brought star shaped balloons with the names of those that are sadly no longer with us. It was a little weird seeing some as I have not seen them since 14 years ago but the rest I have seen in or around Barrow over time. Everyone was in great spirits and I could feel such positivity coming from all that were there. Personally, I can't wait to see them all again and hopefully there will be more that can attend next time. They may have been just my school friends, but I would like to think of them as my forever friends. If it wasn't for my lovely friend, E, I wouldn't have been able to go so thank you and it was great to hang out with you. 

On Thursday 27th, I travelled to Manchester to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert with Duncan James starring as Tick/Mitzi. It was a fun show with lots of colour, and crazy outfits! Duncan was amazing in it (as I knew he would be) as were the rest of the cast. I loved how they put the show together from the bus, to the 3 divas in the air and to changing from no make-up to full make-up back to no make-up. When I got back home, I couldn't believe how worn out I was! 

Anyway, I'm sorry if I've gone from one subject to another... Hopefully I will try to just stick to one subject in a future post to not confuse you. Thank you for reading and I will see you soon, sometime. xxx


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