My weekly diary!! 4th July 2015

Hey peeps!!

This week has been a good one for me, nothing too major but still nice. On Monday, me and my parents went to visit my sister as it was her birthday. It was lovely seeing her especially after only seeing her a few days before. Then I took it easy for the rest of the day at home. I appreciate the days that I get to stay in my pjs and rest up my sore body. Check out for more about my health and disability issues. 
Tuesday, I relaxed until it was time to get ready for the pub quiz. We got 36 points out of 50 which is our highest score so far! We've been getting 28 when it was just the 2 of us so I'm still pretty chuffed. We were joined by my support worker's friend, her daughter and fiancĂ©. It is fun and often mind boggling trying to think of answers! 
Wednesday, I didn't go anywhere so yay! I relaxed and played on my Sims 4 which I love! I enjoy building homes and creating families. It definitely passes a few hours! So far I've created 3 families; Wearing, Sweet and Diva. The Sweet family are just pure candy!! 
Thursday, my dad took me to Asda for some dinner and then did a quick mini shop. I bought my things ready for my dinky BBQ which I was looking forward to.
On Friday, me and my parents went to the Abbey Mill Cafe for some dinner in the sunshine. It's really good here because you can see the Furness Abbey Ruins. All the food here is homecooked too, like the ham which is one of the most delicious ham you'll ever find. If you haven't been, then make sure to get yourself there! Once home, I had a little play on my Sims 4 (okay, I'm ADDICTED HA!) before my support worker (who I shall name A) arrived. Together we prepared everything ready for the BBQ and then had our cheeseburgers which were delish! A little burnt but pretty good. A had brought me a little present; I smiled when I got it out of the gift bag... A bottle of smoky BBQ sauce!!  I might keep it in my bag so I don't have to keep asking for extra sauce, ha ha!! Once we finished our food, we went and chilled out in our sun room, busy chatting away until it was A's home time. I enjoyed it, the whole day in fact. Sunshine really does brighten everything up!!
Then today, me and my parents went to town. We had dinner out, again and then did a bit of retail therapy where I bought myself a nice, long summery dress. It's a little long but hopefully easy to take up at the hem. :) now I'm full up from a Domino's delivery and mooching about online. 
I hope your week has been as good as mine and that you enjoy the rest of the weekend?! If your week hasn't been as good then try Not to fret as GOOD THINGS WILL COME TO YOU!! Don't forget; if you wanna chat then tweet me @DinkyKt on Twitter, follow me on Instagram at @@dinkykt or @dinkyeds for my health account and you can also follow my Facebook page where the link is added above. Lastly, you can subscribe and see me in action on my YouTube channel, Katie Wearing. :) take care and keep smiling, no matter what is thrown at you in life xx


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