Day 1 of Manchester - Meeting Blue...

Waking up to the sound of my dad telling me it's a quarter past seven in the morning and it takes me a few minutes to realise that that had meant my alarm didn't go off like it was set to do. Panic strikes as time is not on my side and I have to rush getting ready. The reason why I was supposed to be already up and getting ready is because later this day, I'm meeting Blue. The boyband that has chart topping singles such as All Rise, One Love and Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (duetted with Sir Elton John). You may be more familiar with the names of Duncan James (had a beautiful duet with the lovely girl that is Keedie! He came as one of the runners up on the tv series Dancing On Ice, presented many tv shows) Lee Ryan (had a few chart selling singles such as Army Of Lovers but is probably known for his potty mouth although saying this, he has a big heart) Simon Webbe who had a string of chart topping singles and recently came 2nd on the tv series, Strictly Come Dancing and not forgetting Antony Costa who starred in various stage shows and appeared on the tv series I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. 
Anyway back to me getting ready and panicking; after picking up my sister and then arriving at the train station, we had time to relax. I must say I felt good in what I am wearing; a berry pink coloured wide necked top, black leatherette skirt, black tights and my leopard print flat shoes. My hair and makeup looked great too even if I do say so myself. I certainly don't look like I've only had about 3/4 hours sleep! 
When we got to Lancaster, we had to get off the train as there was some track fault but thankfully we didn't have to wait too long until we got another train. The train finally got us to Manchester Piccadilly although our assistance was nowhere to be seen! Luckily my sister caught the attention of another member of staff and they helped us off. We found out that the person who was supposed to be helping us had gone to another carriage and when he found we weren't there, he didn't bother coming to check the other disabled carriage despite knowing we were actually on the train. 
Our hotel; MacDonald Hotel & Spa is about five minutes walk away which is pretty handy. We are greeted by a concierge and manage to get checked straight into our room. Our room is beautiful; big and spacious but lovely. We have a big wet room too. As we were hungry, we decided to go and have dinner which we booked at Tiger Tiger. The hotel is very handy to the taxi rank. 
Once at Tiger Tiger, we were shown to our table and at this point it was just the two of us. I decide on the BBQ chicken and cheese burger whereas my sister ordered the Stilton chicken burger with onion rings and Asian slaw. It was yummy!! By the time we are half way through eating, other people came in too. I think normally, most people eat upstairs but as I can't get upstairs, they let us eat downstairs. 
We soon make our way back to the hotel; all full and excited. We chill out and freshen up in the bit of time we have. Then as it is raining; the concierge runs out to get us a taxi. When we get closer to the venue; 02 Apollo, I can feel excitement and butterflies in my tummy at knowing its getting closer to meeting Blue. Along with another young lady and the person with her, we waiting in the foyer (as there is no lift to get upstairs) until it was time. Originally we were told to be at the venue between 4:15 and 5:15. They moved the meet and greet to the foyer with there being me and the other young lady. We have to get in a line now that they have finished setting everything up (the curtain, table and four chairs) and I end up being first in line... I kept looking in front of me to see the guys coming and focusing on my self control, I started imagining what they will be wearing and how will they greet me... What if I go shy and can't get a word out but one thing I kept telling myself is that they are just human, just like you and me. Then all of a sudden, I saw Duncan coming through the door and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. They sat themselves down at the table; first Simon, Duncan, then Antony and Lee at the end. They were given the photos to sign which they'll give us when we meet them. It is now my turn to come face to face with them and naturally I'm drawn to Duncan. His eyes widen as be smiles which totally took my breath away. I try to give all four guys attention when I talk. Shakingly, I hand over my handcrafted gift for Tianie (Duncan's daughter) and he leans over the table to give me a kiss on the cheek and a hug to thank me for the gift. He asks what it is and looks inside the bag. I said I hope she likes it and that I made it myself. He said she'll love it and that she is coming tonight. Somehow I manage to get out that 'I've been to every tour and today, I FINALLY get to meet you's!!' With the biggest smile on my face and I am sure that they chuckled and could definitely see that I am one excited/happy girl to be here. I do feel mean that I didn't bring anything for the other guys kids but wouldn't have known what to get or make for them. Now it is time for the next person to meet them and for me to join back in the queue. Sitting in the queue, I replay over what has just happened and I only have 3 wishes; one that they weren't at a table (so I can interact more and that conversation could be heard better from both sides) that the photos were already signed as when I first got to the table, the guys were busy signing and it wasn't so easy to engage properly (which isn't the guys fault) and that we could have whatever we wanted signing (as I had brought my cd from home  but I am very happy with my photo). I can't wait to get my photo took with them and we were allowed to have the photos whichever way we wanted, as there is both me and my sister, we decided to get one with us both and the guys and one with just me and the guys. So I'd get two. Yay! 
TI'm soon at the front again. I can see the guys standing around, chatting and it gives me a glimpse of them as just ordinary guys behind the scenes. Now I'm called for my photos and still, I'm smiling. My sister tells them what we would like and they're happy to do this, I sit there and let the guys do their thing by choosing where they stand, kneel etc. I'm ecstatic when Duncan kneels next to me and on the other side, I have Antony and Lee in front of him, slightly, I gently drop my photo on the floor out of the way but Lee puts it on my knee to show it off which makes me laugh. After the photos are taken and the guys stand up, Simon comes to the side of me and asks me what's happened to my hand in which I briefly tell him. Then capturing all of their attention, I start telling them about me raising awareness about my rare condition; I simply explain the pain, fatigue etc and that I craft to raise money for charity. It makes me feel proud of what I do seeing them standing their listening intently and showing support. Then I get another hug off Duncan, one of Simon and one of Lee who says good for you. It is time for the next person so we go round by the front doors and wait until the m&g is over. As the guys were leaving to go backstage, Duncan and Simon both blew me kisses. I'm definitely on cloud nine. Wow what a great opportunity and even better that I got to raise awareness about EDS. guys if you are reading this, then please check out my Facebook page; and maybe share it on your twitter/Instagram and Facebook. I will be so appreciative and so will other EDSers! :) Duncan is definitely how I imagined him to be, handsome, genuine and has the ability to make anyone feel worthy in his presence. Lee, funny but charming in his own way. Simon is really lovely, perhaps a little quiet in comparison to the other three but friendly and very caring. Antony, I'd say is very friendly. 
As the m&g has now finished and the merchandise stall and food stall are both opening, I get to choose what I want to buy. I decide on a t-shirt, wrist band (yay I can put it to fit me which is a rarity), a programme and a mug. I bought a drink and we shared some Pringles to keep us going until the doors to the theatre room open. Finally we are allowed to go to our seats and I'm so shocked and blown away at finding our seats to be on the front row!! Definitely more dreams coming true this day!! Five minutes later, Lee and his cute little boy; Rain, come running out and climb onto the stage. Rain tells those of us who are here a joke. Everyone is like 'aww...'. 
The first support act; (whom I can't remember the name) who started off quite good but then it kinda went just okay. I think the turning point was when the dj came out from behind his mixing deck and started undressing. I could hear people around me not really sure how to react so they giggled but in a cringey way. Then the second act; Monica Michael whom is introduced by Simon, who was great! I didn't know who she was until I was told afterwards that she is a former x-factor contestant. She knew how to get the crowd going and I think everyone appreciated her purity. I'll be looking out for her in the future. 
The time is now ready for Blue and I couldn't wait any longer! They come out singing King Of The World which is a great song to start the show off... Upbeat and energetic; just what is needed to encourage everyone to stand up (except for me of course!)! The tour setlist as follows; King Of The World, Nothing Like You, You Make Me Wanna, Special, Too Close, You're The Only One, I Don't Want To Talk About It, Breathe Easy, All Rise, Signed Sealed Delivered/Get Down On It, Flashback, If You Don't Know Me By Now, If You Come Back, One Love, Hang On In There Baby, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word and Home. Now I'm not entirely sure if this is correct which I apologise if it isn't. I loved how they performed each song and give it a new lease of life. I've been on every tour Blue have had and I certainly enjoyed this. There was definitely some of the old boyband dance moves which I and the crowd loved. Who can forget the 'One Love' move?! I think it's embedding in my brain somewhere! I enjoyed being at the front as it meant I got to see everything and be a part of the crowd, there was so much more of an atmosphere from the places where I usually am at other venues (I sincerely hope that there are more tours here!). Each guy performed to his best in his own way. They brought humour, talent and entertainment which is everything I knew they would bring. Unlike other tours, there wasn't much costume change which meant the guys are on stage more. I do think they looked so smart and handsome in the suits. Near the end of the show, I got air kisses from Duncan and Simon which I absolutely loved! Thanks guys! :-* again it made me feel special and loved like it did earlier from the meet and greet. I for one are not used to attention from nice and handsome guys, hehe!! The show definitely left me on a high and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, something else happens. Once the theatre empties, my sister turns me round and I see Claire and Tianie at a little distance so we start going round towards the door. As soon as they saw me, they come straight over and Claire gives me a hug. She says "I know you as Dinky but what's your real name?" So I tell her and we have a quick chat. I ask if I can have a photo with them both but it ends up just being me and Tianie. It would have been nice having Claire in the photo too but I understood. As Claire moves out of the way, stands next to my sister, Claire, I chat to Tianie. I could tell she was a little shy but she is only ten and she's such a little cutie! Then I got another hug of Claire, I wanted to hug Tianie but didn't want to scare her with her being a young girl. Even Claire's friend knew who I was and I couldn't believe that they recognised me, just from Instagram! It really did make me even more happier than I already was! Claire is so lovely and is beautiful. If you get to read this Claire, I'm so glad that I finally got to meet you and Tianie. I hope we can be friends on social media like Facebook, now that we have met and know who each other are. Once we all said goodbye and we had to leave, I had to stop myself from crying as it all overwhelmed me. I actually felt a little shaky from the whole evening and it is one experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life! 
As me and my sister were hungry, we decided to go to the Burger King at the Piccadilly station (if only we went to the McDonald's round the corner as Duncan and Claire had taken Tianie there) and then hear straight back to the hotel. It didn't take us long to get back. Once back at the hotel, we got ready for bed and ate our food before getting into bed. In bed, I checked my email to see if the meet and greet photo had been uploaded, it had! There was two! They have come out great and I couldn't ask for better. Impressive that I was able to get them straight away! I know I was worn out but I had too much adrenaline inside of me as I was so happy and it happened that I fell asleep peacefully.


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