The Three Rambles!

Hey everyone!

This post is mostly full of randomness but just wanted to share a few thoughts with you all. It is late here - 2am to be precise! Most people who know me know that I often stay up late as my sleeping pattern is awful. 

First ramble - I totally love how this blog now looks, don't you?! My friend spent a bit of her time doing it for me as I cannot remember for the life of me how to do all the cool, gadgety stuff that you can do on here and it's intriguing to see how other people perceive me in this way. The things I had stated I liked are skulls, pink, black and that's pretty much it. I sent her some photos for her to choose from as I could not decide - I can be so indecisive at times! 

My second ramble - Well I've been watching a few behind the scenes videos on YouTube and it has definitely helped make my mind up about my filming and video making. Yes, I have a YouTube channel - check out the link on this blog - and I have been creating videos for about four years now. So, I think it is now time to get a little more professional with the filming and the editing, don't you agree? My videos have ranged from music concerts to me talking about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome - a rare connective tissue disorder - and to product viewing including make-up tutorials. I would like to start with the lighting of the scene - for if it's inside - on other YouTubers videos, they have those soft box lights which are professional lighting equipment - two reasons this is a no go for me; they are too expensive and I literally have no room to store them. When I started filming, I was using my old Samsung digital camera which is great and I'm thinking of trying to get it working properly again - the battery on it is dead and I do not know where the charger is. I just remembered that Signal Films had offered to lend me their equipment but it's getting it that's the problem for me. So, I'm kinda of not really considering this option at the time being. If I am as serious as I feel I am, then I need to start using my laptop which I'm reluctant as I find it too heavy and bulky - it's a trusty old Acer Aspire although it's been sent away for repair at least five times since I bought it almost six years ago. As I am writing this, I feel like I'm sounding negative towards all these factors but I have to think everything through thoroughly. I guess, if I'm being totally honest, it's a little bit of a struggle doing all of this by myself as I am by no means an expert in filming or editing and I'm very envious of those that can do it and are very good at it, like some of my friends. 

The final ramble - I'm always looking for ideas to do for my videos and blogs so if you have any, then please feel free to share them. I do plan on talking about EDS further, my charity fundraising, fashion/beauty reviews and tutorials. Take a look at my channel to see my videos. 

Thank you for reading this and I hope you continue to follow this blog! Oh one last thing - I will be writing more film reviews in the future as well, so keep an eye out. See you all soon xx


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