A little from my heart to yours...

Hey! Welcome to the year 2015! Hope the year is treating you all well so far... This post may seem a little disjointed and perhaps a bit of ramble but I hope you can make sense of it, I'm speaking from the heart. 
While most people were thinking of new year's resolutions and simply focusing on enjoying the New Year's Eve celebrations, there was me with the aim of finding true happiness and to have fun as well as being in as good health as possible. The last few years haven't really been that great for me due to health problems and changes in my life although there has been some amazing highlights to totally not wipe the few years off. You may ask what the highlights were so here they are; 

Seeing Blue, and the Backstreet Boys (also cannot forget meeting the Boys)
Family celebrations; birthdays, weddings/anniversaries and births
Raising money for 'Ehlers-Danlos Support UK' charity
Starting my raising awareness campaign for EDS
Meeting a few new people

But I will spare you the lowest points of this time period. The last year, I have focused on trying to find myself again after going through the worst parts of my health problems and losing sight of who I was/am. One valuable thing lesson I have learnt is that I know my family are my rock and to my friends who have stayed, understood and kept me sane throughout. 
I have a few exciting projects/events coming up that I truly can't wait for them to happen. My EDS raising awareness campaign will be FINALLY launching beyond my friends and family, it is going through the motions at the moment. After meeting the reporter, who is lovely this last week, I am sure she will do a fantastic job at getting the word out and portrait me in the positive manner that I try to live by. I still feel honoured that my local MP has been a great support and continues to offer support.  As I'm interested in politics, maybe I could help him out sometime showing my support in his campaigns. I may not be totally clued up on politics but I care about making things better for others, especially those that are struggling with the welfare cuts etc and standing up for people, particularly the disabled; like me. Okay I've slightly gone off topic so I will get back to what I was talking about.
An event that I'm looking forward to is meeting Blue in April, hopefully I can take my experience from when I met the Boys with me. This is something fun and enjoyable for me, plus I get to spend the weekend with my wonderful sister. 
I will be going to see Take That in mid may and this will be my fourth time in seeing them live. I'm sure they will put on a good visual show as always, although I'm a little dubious as there is now only the three of them.
At the end of may is my big birthday and I will be thirty! I already know what I am doing for it and it is spending it with all of my loved ones. I will upload pictures and hopefully video footage from it with you afterwards. 
Then just a few weeks later, I will be seeing Pasha Kovalev when he comes back to the local theatre for his latest dance show. Again, I'm hoping to meet him like I did the last time. 
One lesson that I have also learnt, is to let the bird fly away if it chooses to. Sometimes in life, things happen that we don't expect or want to happen but we have to find the right way for ourselves to deal with it. Things are not always easy or fair and these times will strengthen your character, in later years. I'm just talking from personal experience here and I hope it can help you too. If something is challenging in my life whether it is medical or personal, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. With this thought in my mind, I always try to focus myself on the little things I enjoy like listening to music, my crafting or creative writing. It distracts my mind from some of the anxiety I carry around and eases my heart which on occasion, feels a little lonely. 
Anyway, thank you for reading this and understanding my thoughts. I will be writing a post giving my review on the film 'Starred Up' which I am doing on behalf of Signal Films. Talk to you all soon x


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