My full experience of meeting the Backstreet Boys!! 5th April 2014

Hello peeps!! I'm back again! I remember in my last post, I mentioned about writing up about my experience of meeting The Backstreet Boys and then watching their show afterwards, so here it is. I apologise in advance as it will be long but I don't want to miss anything out. 
During the late morning, I prepared myself by getting a professional make-over at Debenhams and getting ready back at the apartment that me and my sister were staying in. For weeks/possibly months beforehand, I was really excited and was on countdown mode. 
We had to be at the arena for 3:30pm and when we got to the arena, the lift was out of order. We started panicking as there was no sign saying where to go etc but thankfully we overheard some people talking, so we finally made our way in in another way, through the station.
After queueing for about an hour and half, we were eventually let into the arena. Me and my sister didn't know what or where we should be so just loitered around waiting (just like everyone else there) and a lady came over to me, she had other people with disabilities so we all grouped together following the lady. 

The arena staff took us so we were at the side of the stage for soundcheck, I thoroughly enjoyed the soundcheck. It was so good to be so close although we weren't as close as everyone as we were in wheelchairs and couldn't get through the chairs. The guys came out, Brian first then AJ and then Nick, Howie and Kevin followed. They did a bit of talking, sang a few songs which my two favourites that they sung at this point was Siberia and Madeleine. Trust Me, and 10,000 Promises was sung. Then they answered a few questions from the audience. I would have loved to have asked a question but I was too shy and my mind went blank (I was too busy being in the moment ha ha!). I got a wave of AJ which made me feel very happy, my sister turned to smile at me excitedly knowing how ecstatic I was with him being my favourite! Inside my head was like a little girl jumping up and down doing cartwheels knowing that he had noticed me but I was sat on my own at this point so I knew it was definitely to me! 
It was time for the meet & greets and photos. We sat watching everyone else as we were told to stay where we were.
Then we saw the band leaving and we ended up having to chase the staff to find out what was happening as we got left behind. We thought that somehow we had missed our time (to meet them etc) even though we did as we were told. But anyway after waiting about 3 hours +, we finally got to meet them. We were the last few to meet them (which I didn't mind and it ended up meaning we had more time with them, I always panic when I don't have much time so yes it was a relief). 
As I went into the room where the guys were, the support act were in there too. I didn't realise who they were until afterwards though. Shaggs smiled and quietly spoke to me, he seemed really nice and kinda eased any anxieties I had. Yes, anxieties, I was about to meet the world's biggest boyband and it's not everyday you do! :-) 
My eyes were everywhere trying to locate the guys and Kevin and Howie were calling me to come closer towards them, I remember Kevin's eyes being intense but kind though. Then Kevin and Howie came over and both asked me how I was and that it was good to see me. 
AJ was the first to pound on me (hehe!) he gave me a proper big hug and knelt down beside me, then all the other guys came and give me a little hug whilst AJ was still beside me. I then gave him my handmade gift for Ava which he opened and his face lit up. He said Ava will love it, which made my heart swell with pride. My heart was bouncing inside. Then Nick briefly came back over whilst AJ put his gift away safely, I manage to tell him that I'm reading his facing the music book to which he was sweet about. Then AJ came around again then disappeared and the next second we were getting told to get in position for photo. 
Nick was stood by the wall with my sister next to him but I was terrified of running him over in my chair (I didn't want to be 'that girl who ran Nick Carter over!) and Brian came to kneel to the right side of me so I put my arm around him, out of nowhere AJ appeared by my left side kneeling on my left resting his arm on my arm rest, I focused my attention on him putting my other arm around him, ha I then got worried thinking oh no I hope the guy taking the photo hasn't clicked on me looking at AJ but thankfully I wasn't hehe!! Brian was funny, he was impressed with my golf ball gear stick on my chair. Nick was sweet, didn't really get to interact with Howie or Kevin and AJ was just amazing. His accent sounded so wow and sexy!! He smelt divine too. :) it was a shame that I never got chat much to Howie or Kevin and would have liked to have spoken more about the book with Nick. I was very very overwhelmed at how lovely, kind and down to earth all five guys were. AJ is such a gentleman and very gracious. I just love how he took the time with me and especially as he kneeled beside me, being at the same eye level as me. 
I came out of the room not able to stop smiling and I felt all dream like. Even my sister enjoyed meeting them too. Now I had the show to look forward to. 
There wasn't a lot of time so had to rush buying my merchandise (due to the bad organisation of the arena) and find my seat. The support groups were good, especially All Saints. My sister is a big fan of them so she enjoyed them more than I did but they were really good. 
Then finally, it was the guys turn to put on a proper good show and by heck they did that alright!! :-D they were never out of tune, the dancing was fantastic and they entertained so brilliantly! You could tell how much they loved performing and their passion was clear to see. They did a good mixture of their old songs and new ones, from Everybody, The Call and Incomplete to Love Somebody, Show 'Em (What You're Made Of) and In A World Like This. There was an instrument part which made the show even more complete and personal, some fans were lucky enough to be able to sit on the stage with them for a song or two!Imagine how amazing that would feel to be able to see what the guys see? spectacular I bet. I managed to stay on my feet through most of the show although I was sore and worn out at the end but it was worth it. With meeting the guys beforehand, i think I felt more with it than I have at other shows, you feel more of a VIP which was due to the meet and greet. 
I have never felt so much emotion and happiness as I did, meeting and then watching the Backstreet Boys!! It will be something I will treasure forever, deep in my heart and memories. 
I have just been informed by Rochelle (AJ's beautiful wife) that the headband fits Ava perfect! And that I did a beautiful job, thanking me for it. As AJ did say he would post a pic of her wearing it, I hope that I do get to see Ava wearing it sometime. I already feel proud but the feeling of seeing her wearing it, will be truly the most wonderful and acceptance feeling in the world. 
I can't wait to experience this all again soon. Thank you AJ, Nick, Brian, Kevin and Howie... Until next time. <3 


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