A Work in Progress...

Hello peeps! 

Wow it's been around 2 months since I last blogged... I've had my usual things going on like my weekly outings with my support worker and medical appointments. I'm still on a self discovery journey to find as much inner peace and taking control of my life. 
I've also been trying to keep my Facebook page up to date, refreshing my YouTube channel and spending time on my instagram. I haven't really been on my twitter much as I have just not felt up to it. I guess you go through stages in your life where you just want to be away from drama or real life and focus on other aspects whatever that/they may be. 
Being on instagram and YouTube has helped my creativity as well as my crafting. It's giving me the confidence to publish photos and videos of myself, maybe even thinking more positive about myself. I'm sure we have all bashed ourselves down at different times in our lives for whatever reasons but I would like to believe that just maybe we can start to being our friend and not constantly knock oneself down. I'd like to say that we are all 'a work in progress, always learning, evolving and facing each day as a new day.' I'm not preaching that it is easy because it isn't and there are always challenges ahead of us. I know I have kinda gone off to the deep end and hope you don't mind. 
An idea I've learnt is maybe writing a list of things you do like about yourself whether it's your eyes, you have the ability to make those around you laugh or even being a maths geek, for example, for me I would write; 
My smile
My creativity
Being a loyal friend... And so on. 

Now write a list of things you are not so keen and this list is what you can work on, again a few examples from me; 
My sensitivity
My legs
Being messy and disorganised... And so in. 

Hopefully in time, the good list will be longer and the negative list will be shorter. There will always be things we dislike about ourselves and things that we cannot do but that's ok. We wouldn't be human if we weren't flawed in one way or another. 

Anyway... I really do think I've gone way too deep in this post but I wanted to share this above with you and so you know you are not alone during times of struggle, self-discovery or whatever is going on in your life. By no means am I a know-it-all but showing you soe helpful insight. 
In future blog posts, maybe I can talk to you more about this...? I will also tell you all about my trip to Manchester and MEETING THE BACKSTREET BOYS!! 


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