Meeting up with old friends...

Hey up peeps! 

How's it been for you since my last blog post? Hope it's been a positive few days and if not, I hope that it gets better. It's been fairly quiet but nice. 
On Saturday I went retail shopping (again!) and I bought yet more clothes! Beginning to realise how much I do enjoy buying new things and they help make me feel better. I bought a new blue fluffy jumper (it's the fifth one in my expanding collection - oh my, didn't actually realise I've got that many of fluffy jumpers!) I also treat myself to a book called The Book of Skulls which is a fabulous little book full of pictures and brief details of each picture. It is amazing how skulls have inspired so many people from artists, fashion designers to relgious beliefs and all sorts of people. 
On the Sunday after we came back from food shopping, we had a nice visit off my auntie and uncle as it was their little grandson's birthday party in the centre next door. Heard it was a great party :-) 
On Tuesday night, me and my support worker went out for tea as craft club wasn't on this week. There was the pub quiz on but we just carried on doing our crossword puzzle ha ha! 
Today I met up with my old school friend for the first time in a long while and I had a lovely time. I met her little girl for the first time who is very cute! It was great to have a proper catch up and hopefully it will be a more of a regular thing now. She's a really nice lass to know and I'm glad to have finally seen her after such a long time. 
I think the next few days which is the weekend will be a quiet one. There isn't anything planned so it might mean to I get to catch up on lots of telly, oh has anyone been watching the celebrity big brother? What are your views on it? I'm loving it this time, certainly been lots going on on it, ha ha! 
I don't want to bore you with anymore of my warble so I will love ya and leave ya to it. Have fun, stay safe and keep smiling! Mwah xxx


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