
Showing posts from July, 2014

My full experience of meeting the Backstreet Boys!! 5th April 2014

Hello peeps!! I'm back again! I remember in my last post, I mentioned about writing up about my experience of meeting The Backstreet Boys and then watching their show afterwards, so here it is. I apologise in advance as it will be long but I don't want to miss anything out.  During the late morning, I prepared myself by getting a professional make-over at Debenhams and getting ready back at the apartment that me and my sister were staying in. For weeks/possibly months beforehand, I was really excited and was on countdown mode.  We had to be at the arena for 3:30pm and when we got to the arena, the lift was out of order. We started panicking as there was no sign saying where to go etc but thankfully we overheard some people talking, so we finally made our way in in another way, through the station. After queueing for about an hour and half, we were eventually let into the arena. Me and my sister didn't know what or where we should be so just loitered around waiting (...